The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good, spit it out. ~Author Unknown

Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Adventure....

Ok, so as you can see my last blog was hummm..... about 7 months ago. Yeah, lets just say I was side tracked. And let me confess I have used every excuse to tell myself that what I did was ok, too much stress, to many things happening to make it to the gym, I can eat that since we are traveling, its the holidays so I can eat what I want and start fresh tomorrow. How many of you have told yourself the exact same things just to make yourself feel better about not staying on track? Oh, the lies we tell ourselves. I think they do the most damage.

So this morning I was doing my normal "run over the news" on CNN and I came across this video, yeah you need to watch it....

I was so upset. I am watching this video thinking to myself, "geeze that could have been me." If my calculations are correct, she wasn't much heavier than I am. I can't fathom how that must have felt for all three women involved. Is that what it is going to take to get me on the right path, to be ridiculed publicly because of my weight? It is a scary thought. I have never been really ridiculed because of my weight, nor have I ever really felt that kind of humiliation, unless you count my trip to the amusement park last year. I think I might just passout if that was to happen to me. So, after watching this story I checked out Kenlie's blog and I was so inspired. If she can start at well over 400 lbs and loose 114lbs in year, why can't I. So, when I get home today I am going to put the body bug back on (even though I hate having it on my arm) and I am going to being this new adventure or continue on the one I began last year. And I am going to try to keep in mind, "take it each day at a time" I am the type of person I like to think of tomorrow before it is even here. I must say, its really not a way to approach weight loss. I am still learning, and I know I will make my goal some day, but for today that's all I have.

Here is the link to Kenlie's blog if you would like to check it out.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It has been a long time, but....

It has been quite a while since my last post. Things have been, well, a little busy! Surely that is not excuse, but it is the circumstance that I am in at the moment. So much has happened in my personal life, that finding "me time" has been a really hard concept.

In the past two months, my Grandfather has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, had a heart attack, and has been put on oxygen. For those of you that don't know, I care for my Grandfather that is 89 years old. This has just occurred in the last 2 weeks, so before hand it has been the normal, school, Nate, Wayne, soccer, chores, garden, gym, you name it. By the time I sit down in the evening, I just want to veg out.

Weight loss has been great. I have had a few weeks of ups and downs, but that is the norm with weight loss. I am beginning to realize that in those moment of boredom, I need to refocus my energy, which is get up and take a walk or go to the gym. That has been a learning process, but I am being successful at it.

As of last Monday I had lost 18 lbs. I was extremely excited about that. What an achievement! This past Monday I weighed myself and I was up 4 pounds. Now I was a little shocked, but after the past couple of weeks that I have had, and my stress level at an all time high, it was to be expected. Plus it is that wonderful time of the month for me. All I can do right now is get past this week and hope for a loss on Monday.

Now the other thing is, I have yet to make it to the gym this week. I was on a roll up until this week. I had been to the gym at the least 2 days a week and also walking the fields in the evening. Well, here it is Thursday, and I have yet to make it to the gym. I did take a nice walk last night, but its not the stress reducing working out that my body is CRAVING right now. I had full intentions on doing a spin class this morning with Jude at 5:45am (yes I was going to get up that early), but of course I woke up at 4:00am with a POUNDING headache. Of course that would happen! One thing that I did not mention was the spin class is taught by Sophia from the Biggest Loser! (My FAVORITE show!!!) So needless to say I was really bummed to not make it this morning, but hey, there is always next week!!!

So, I think that is all so far! Hopefully it will not be another 2 months before I get to make another post, but hey, that's life right?

Have a wonderful week, get out and enjoy the WONDERFUL changing of the seasons. Go walk some trails, or go the Pumpkin patch! It is a great time of year to be outside enjoying the wonderful cool weather!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

WOW, it's been a long time!....

Sorry its been awhile since my last post. We have been crazy busy. Nate started Kindergarten, I started school, Nate started soccer, and all the other stuff in between. I feel like I don't have much time for anything else.

Since my last post I have been doing EXCELLENT!!! I have had maybe 2 or 3 bad days, but other wise it has been AWESOME. I am learning so much about my body and how it reacts when I put certain foods in it. One day I decided that I would love to have these small Snickers bites. They tasted sooooooo good. But about 1/2 hour later I was paying for it. I got tired and sleepy! My tummy didn't feel so hot either. Its funny how when your body gets used to something that once you put something in it that it's not used too, it's all down hill from there.

I have noticed some awesome changes in my body though. I have more energy, I am sleeping better (at least better than I used to), I wake up in the morning a little more easily. People have commented on my skin tone, my hair, my attitude, everything. Now, I am sure these people are not just wanting to be nice. They genuinely want to see me succeed, and they are true friends and I am sure they wouldn't lie to me (you will just have to take my word for it). I even had a parent from my sons soccer team come up to me and tell me that I am looking great and she could see the difference since spring. That makes me feel so good!!!

I go next week for my check up from my last sleep study. There is a part of me that can't wait to get this stupid machine and see the difference with a good night sleep. Hopefully the weight will just melt off me!

Well, I am off to a wonderful weekend on the river with my son. I can't wait to just relax for a little while. These past two weeks have been crazy.

Also, for those of you that would like to know, since beginning this weight loss adventure I have lost..........

13 POUNDS!!!!!! Yes, can you believe it!!!!

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sleep study and more...

Sorry guys, it's been awhile since I updated. It has been a little crazy the past week. Katie went home on Friday (I SOOOOOOOO.... miss her) this weekend I went to a concert and Sunday my head was pounding! So needless to say, its been awhile and I am sorry.

To update on the sleep study, this one went better than the last. I was able to take a sleeping pill that whisked me off to sleep very quickly, thank God! Before I knew it, it was morning and it was all over! Of course the nurse that watched over me wasn't able to tell me anything. I did get out of her that she had to go up pretty high with the air flow. Not sure what "pretty high" means, but I guess I will find out in a couple weeks. My mom was so funny, the day after the sleep study she asks me "So, what did the doctor say"? Of course my follow up visit isn't until September 10th. She asked me, "What happens if you die between now and then"? Well, I guess I am dead, right? LOL...she is so funny. Just like a mom to worry. I have survived this long, I guess a couple more weeks wouldn't matter, right?

Well, today was my first day back to school. I am still working towards my degree, I will finish one of these days. I, hopefully, have one more semester at FCC and then I get to transfer to Hood. I can't wait! The sad thing is I am so used to taking night classes, that this is the first semester that I have taken a morning class. WOW the dynamics are VERY different. I am used to being the youngest, or at least in the bottom 3, where now I am the oldest. I DO NOT like that! My fear is everyone will look to me for the answer since I am "older and wiser", totally NOT true. Although, one class I am taking is complete "BS"....teaching mathematics....this means sitting through a class "teaching" me how to "teach" basic math. I swear, who ever comes up with the curriculum has two things in mind, money, and wasting my time (of course this latter of the two only pertains to me since the world revolves around me, right?)

Anyhow, as soon as I meet with my doctor I will have more info on what happens next with the CPAP machine and all. I just want to get on the damn machine and start having a good night sleep. If any of you follow my body bug updates on Facebook, you know that my sleep is in need of some serious work!

Next week I go for MORE blood work to check on my liver and have a sonogram done. Here is to hoping that nothing has changed since the last one 6 months ago so I won't have to do it again in 6 months. If I get a good report I won't have to have it done again in a year or so. So here is to hoping!

Have a happy week and I hope to update again before the weekend. I weigh in tomorrow since I forgot to do it this morning. Lets hope I am down 2 more pounds. Cross your fingers for me!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A New Sleep Study...

Well, tonight I have another sleep study to do. The last one was horrible, hopefully this one will be a little better since my doctor gave me a sleeping pill to take before I got to bed. I had such a hard time the last go round that she wanted to make sure to get a full night sleep study. This is also where the doctor will be fitting me for a CPAP machine. Lets hope that all goes well. I hate having to do this, but if it means that I will get a good night sleep, and help me lose weight, well I guess I have to do it. As most of you know, I don't sleep very well.

I will blog tomorrow about my wonderful experience and maybe, just MAYBE, I might put a picture on here to show you guys what I look like when they attach all the wires and machines up to me. I also said in one of my posts that I would try to up load the results from my last sleep study, but I have yet to figure that out. If anyone knows, please let me know. I tried taking pictures of the information, but its not large enough to read.

Anyhow, wish me luck and I will fill you in tomorrow.

Good night, all!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I DID IT....

I did it, I made it 10552 steps!!!!

New goals and new heights!!!

Soooo.... EXCITED!!!!

New Goal...

I just plugged in my body bugg and realized that I am 200 steps away from 10000 steps, which would be a new goal for me with the body bugg. So, Katie and I are off to walk the dog and make my goal of 10000 steps for today! I am SOOOOOO..... EXCITED!!!! Reaching new goals and new heights in weight loss!